Friday, May 15, 2015

Conversations with the Sky

I whispered to the darkness
of the night
about our little wishes,
of sky and I
The sky looked at me
with a smirk,
"I know all.
The nights you stay up
stacking dreams neatly
when you browse your checklist
with wishes listed sequentially
I know when most checkboxes remain
You patiently wait for
another day,
another moment
another opportunity.
I expand in pride,the sky continued,
more kindly this time.
I invite you, then
to steal my stars to
embellish your dreams
The starkness does not become you"
I look back in hope now
Knowing someone else is up
with me
I feel the kinship,
the warmth envelopes me.
We both lie back
to await the dawn
It arrives on my horizon
wearing a blush
the sky looks at me again,
with a smirk
Love still exists,somewhere
in the universe!

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