Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Storm Within-a series of haikus

It rained all night,
Beating against my window.
My pillow is wet too!

The deluge unstoppable,
Relentless, merciless storm.
Within me, and out!

The dawn appears bleak,
Lifeless, wan, shrouded in grey.
Silence is so loud!

The meaning of love

I lay my bet,
My faith at stake,
On your meaning of Love!

My eyes seek,
With a desperation,
The answers,
To comfort my soul.

Where is the one…
The mate of my mood?
Muted, in my silence
Sparkling, in my eloquence!

Where is the one…
Strong and fired?
In step with me,
Through my tribulations and trials.

I am lonesome,
My soul is quiet.
Can my silence talk with yours
Just for a while?

Silent, barren, desolate
Is my mind!
Can I borrow a dream from you,
And make it mine?

I lay my bet,
My faith at stake,
On this feeling called Love!