Tuesday, October 18, 2016

A space in her heart

I need space, he said!
yet, wanted her on the periphery
of his being
He knew she talked with
the moon
sharing her angst,
That she wrote poetry
about her intensity,
and, his indifference

He often ridiculed her poetry
calling it fancy words
put together,
crafted to entice.
She wanted him to feel her poems
that she draped around
her soul
but he could only read-
and, barely so!
He wanted space
not knowing that
he had it all along
 in her heart

Saturday, August 13, 2016

untitled Hindi

अजीब सी सर्दगोशी है माहौल में 
एक कोहरा जो छ्टता ही नही 
कैसे कोई देखे उसकी बेरूख़ी 
ये मिजाज़ है मौसम का 
ज़हन से हटता ही नही 

एक बर्फ है जो रूह के किनारे जमी है 
मायूस आँखों के कोरों पे एक नमी है 
ना सूरज का सेंक ना रोशनी है इधर 
जिसकी तलाश है उस धूप की कमी है 

कल वो मुझे खुशनुमा ज़िंदगी सा लगा 
आज उसके इर्द गिर्द एक उदासी छुपी है 
किस तरह कोई बदले हालत फज़ाओं के 

अभी कहाँ हवाओं के रुख़ से बर्फ हटी है 


In the silences
that form
the paranthesis
of your most fervently expressed
I grope.

I grope to find words
to soothe
your  angst;
It seems
you don't need any.


You form a cocoon
of your assurances
and I dwell
in it, without a worry,
your promises
stand guard
over my fears


We live in our spaces
at peace with
our own interpretations  of love
You and I speak the same language
with different meanings
We talk of love
without understanding its  meaning
I do not understand your words
You don't understand my silence
we survive
despite this incongruity
I need to understand
you are not me, and
I am not you!

You too need to know that 

Monday, January 18, 2016


Pain creeps in stealthily,and
Dispels my loneliness
I am not alone anymore!
I see my shadow on the wall
As it listens impassively
To my soliloquy
My soul cringes
As my heart questions;
I hurriedly craft a lie
A smile…