Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Meaningless Coffee

Stilted conversation
Over insipid coffee,

There is so much to talk
Rehearsed so often in heart..
Words suspended,
Hang in the air, unspoken,

The staccato beat of our mental clocks
Urging our words to run as fast,

An unsure me,
And, you unnatural
Just getting along
With the same ritual.

The dregs of coffee
Hold our intrigue
More than perhaps,
Our own company.

You look across
And smile tentatively
I respond to your attempt
Almost wisely.

As we get ready to leave,
I look around to read
The other people,
Enjoying their treat
As they have their meaningful coffee!

Dolly,17th feb'10


Ankur said...

i loved it. nice poem!

Dolly Singh said...

Thanks Ankur,for visiting n appreciating!

Pratyush said...

nice one!!

Dolly Singh said...

Thanks Pratyush