Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Audacity of Rain

 The audacity of rain
as it kisses my cheek
in your presence.

Tiny droplets
tease my hair
daring you

The ramblings of rain
drowns your voice
As you talk non-stop
Of mundane things.

The thunder roars somewhere
displaying the passion
I find missing in you.

You complain
that I find comfort
 in a pretence
  I grudge,
It’s because
 you no longer
rain on my existence.

Stillborn Dream

 A seed of desire fostered
in the womb of my heart

Nurtured ,
with the last drop of my blood
 with every hope
 like a morning star.

 it arrives
My poor, poor,
 Stillborn dream!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sans Mask

You see my stone cold silence
behind my warm,bubbling verbosity

The veneer is in place
the smiles too,
you cant escape
the tinge of sadness
that lurks in the depth of
my eyes.

Sans mask
you know me

I have kept away the facades
You cant be fooled.

 The unspoken tales
belie the composure
that I put across.

Your intuit all,
as you reach
 the depth of my soul.

 Sans mask,
you accept me...