Sunday, January 15, 2023

The DNA of Silence

these days, 

the walls of my room whisper

 to each other

hesitant to break the silence

while my thoughts squabble

with each other

inside my head.

it's deadly quiet here. I haven't 

spoken much for sometime

i talk to myself,

I often do.

the soliloquy rebels

and turns its face,

seeking dialogue.

loneliness gnaws at the edges

of my being...

my coffee needs a partner.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

His Absence

 two sides of their bed

the one, she tossed over restlessly

the other,

occupied with his absence.

his side took up a lot of space,

pushing her to the edge.

she moved,

leaving more space in the bed

clutched the sheets tightly

to keep herself from falling.


his absence grew

became gigantic

filled up the room

till it became a part of

her entirety.


she carries his presence

within her soul

the only place she could

keep him with her

Saturday, January 15, 2022

The morning crawled in
like a stranger
I felt no kinship
nor, the obligation
to greet it
The day was bright
I felt bare
and vulnerable

I missed the affinity
 that I'd made with
the darkness of the night

They say the dreams
 that no one owns
fall on the ground
 like dead bloom

I had but, tucked my dreams close to the heart
not letting them fall in gloom
 And then, I waited
 for the night

He and She

The sky stared back at her

with a desolate vacant gaze

someone switched off the moon.

 the terra, scared and forlorn

lit a small lamp

but the storm blew away her faith

her lamp was exhausted.

and they both,

the sky, and the terra

were rendered hopeless

yet found each other

to comfort.

 the sky yielded dew drops

 the earth drank up thirstily

and looked up

in sheer love!

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Words etc

I give in to tears




and hold back words

Some die on the lips

and get buried

in the recesses of  my heart

some come stumbling out

to falter on the tongue


why do we say the least

to the ones we love the most?

We arrange words,


to make them  sound better

coat them with sweetness

or buffer edges

do our best

to say in a jest

In the end,

chuck it all

and swallow


Tuesday, January 14, 2020


She let the kiss
sit on her lips
until it's ready
to be consumed,
or consume her

She is ready to accept
without lowering her  gaze
Cos the storms that rage in his eyes
ruffle the peace of her heart

They love the messyness
around them,
of stolen kisses,
crumpled sheets,
and, entangled emotions.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Bitter Almonds

the taste of bitter almonds
 reminds, as Gabrial said, 
of unrequited love

 it sits on the tongue for a long time
leaving you
with no choice.
acceptance, like grief,
dawns slowly
but surely

and, wary you get
 of trying another 
lest it tastes the same

unrequited love
is love too
just like bitter almond 
is almond too.

over ripe blueberries
 i muse,
meet the same fate 
sorted from the good ones 
and discarded

have their uses
only when good!